Journal VIII: The Self Inkquiry Edition
Volume VIII: The Self Inkquiry Edition, showcasing 38 contributors and 15 returning writers, contains what is likely the most unfiltered and authentic representation of our workshops yet, and some of it may hit hard. In 2023, we re-emerged with live programming in jails, recovery centers, medical facilities, mental health programs, and neighborhood branch libraries. And, while there is a “post-pandemic” backdrop of social scientists, medical providers, mental health experts, and academics delving into the current state of overdose rates continuing to climb in Massachusetts and national suicide rates at an all-time high, our work does not make data-driven headlines but rather exists quietly off the grid. It’s extremely personal and it’s about stories rather than statistics. Each year, the collection we share is given a title after the theme is discovered, organically, upon review of submissions. As a whole, The Self Inkquiry Edition reveals a remarkable willingness for radical self-exploration. Moreover, the questions these writers ask themselves may be equally as important as any answer.
Volume VIII: The Self Inkquiry Edition is available for purchase through Amazon. One hundred percent of proceeds related to the sale of this journal will go directly towards supporting the mission of Writers Without Margins, allowing us to continue bringing Literature Beyond Conventional Spaces.
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